Felix Lennert

Felix Lennert

Ph.D. student in Sociology

Institut Polytechnique de Paris


Hi and welcome to my website. I am a Ph.D. candidate in Sociology at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris under the supervision of Étienne Ollion. I hold an M.Sc. in Computational Social Science from Linköping Universitet and a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Regensburg. My research interest centers around political polarization and its underlying processes which I study using large-scale (social) media data and a diverse set of computational methods.

In the recent past, I had the honor to teach multiple courses on R and how you can use it for social scientific endeavors at the University of Leipzig, the Stockholm School of Economics, and the University of Regensburg. You can find some of the course materials in the courses section. Moreover, I co-organized the Summer Institute for Computational Social Science (SICSS) at Paris. You can find the material in this GitHub repo.

Other than that, this website is still empty. This is due to the fact that I have started my Ph.D. fairly recently and have nothing to present (yet). If you want to hear something about what I am currently working on, please reach out, I am happy to chat whenever.

Download my CV.

  • political polarization
  • computational social science
  • Ph.D. in Sociology, 2021 -- now

    Institut Polytechnique de Paris

  • M.Sc. in Computational Social Science, 2021

    Linköping Universitet

  • B.A. in Political Science, 2018

    University of Regensburg
